
Ramayana and the land of Ravana

clock Posted on April 19, 2024
clock categories adventure

Ramayana is considered a massive event in the history of mankind. To some it’s only a legend but there are too many facts to prove the existence of the Rama and Laksmana brothers, Sitha who was the epitome of purity and virtue, and Ravana, the king of Lanka who was the antagonist of the story. 

Sri Lanka, the land of Ravana,  is one of the best places to rediscover important events of this story. There are more than ten places you can visit in Sri Lanka to relive the tale. Some of these places are Chilaw, Jaffna, Sigiriya, Trincomalee, Ella and Kataragama. 

It plays a huge role in Sri Lankan culture and history therefore the artifacts and ecofacts related to the tale are conserved on a national level. Each year many travelers from India visit Sri Lanka to see these many places where Sitha Devi was held captive and performed agni puja, and many shiva lingams installed by Lord Rama to escape from Brahmahasti Dosham which is said to have occurred after killing king Ravana. Places like Rumassala provide proof that Hanuman has dropped a piece of Sanjeewani mountain here, because scientists have found some herbs in Rumassala which can only be found in the Himalaya.

Most of these Hindu Kovils are visited by locals of all ethnicities, as there is a belief that these places are so holy that your wishes come true after you pray in them. Some people perform special pujas and rituals, which has now become a part not only in Hindu tradition, but an important aspect of Sri Lankan culture as a whole.